LUYOR-3230警用观察眼镜包含透明眼镜、黄色眼镜、桔色眼镜和红色眼镜四付。 LUYOR-3230套装为4付眼镜,一个手提箱,一片眼镜布。
用红色荧光指纹粉末刷显无色汗液指纹,用美国路阳生产的LUYOR-3220的450nm兰色光手电筒照射指纹,佩带橙色眼镜就可以观察到指纹发出明亮的荧光。 再如,用502胶熏显塑料上的指纹,再用Ardrox对指纹进行染色,用LUYOR-3220的365nm光手电筒照射,佩带黄色眼镜观察就可以看到指纹发出明亮的荧光。 有很多物质如精液、尿液、唾液、其他体液、纤维、油脂、纸张、射击残留物、油墨、炸药、某些化学品等物质不经过任何化学处理就可以在吸收特定波段光波时发出自然荧光。利用这些物质的自然荧光特性可以拍照它们的荧光图象。 例如,用LUYOR-3220的450nm蓝色光照射精斑,佩带橙色眼镜,就可以观察到精斑发出明亮的荧光。
Colored Forensic Goggles
These wraparound fit-over goggles provide personal protection and ideal frequency absorption for use with forensic light sources. Fits easily over prescription glasses. Includes a protective carrying case. Forensic goggles are available in four colors: orange, red, yellow, and clear UV.
LUV-50 Orange Forensic Goggle
LUV-60 Red Forensic Goggle
LUV-30 Yellow Forensic Goggle
LUV-10 Clear UV Forensic Goggle
Forensic glasses, when used in combination with a UV lamp, enable the investigator to more readily see traces of fluorescence at great distances.
Knowing which glasses to use:
Knowing which forensic glasses in not an exact science. Light conditions, the type of suface or material in question and state of the substance (wet, dry, new, old, etc...) often influence which filter/glasses combination works best.
Fluorescence and wavelengths:
Different substances react and fluoresce at different wavelengths. While some substances may fluoresce when exposed to light of a certain wavelength, other substances might not fluoresce or be visible at all.
How Forensic glasses work:
Glasses filter away the undesired reflected light from the surface that is illuminated. By using glasses fitted with forensic filters, the investigator is able to significantly increase the possibilities of finding the exact evidence or traces that they are looking for, and filtering away unwanted traces.
Our forensic glasses are available in a number of different styles, and can be fitted with any of the three lens filters pictured below.