Q: How do LUYOR Dyes water tracing products work? A: LUYOR Dyes act as a coloring label on each drop of water. As that water or liquid travels, it can be identified at each point on its travel, until it reaches extreme dilution. LUYOR Dyes selectively absorb light in the visible range of the spectrum. They are fluorescent because, upon absorbing light, they instantly emit light at a longer wave length than the light absorbed. This emitted (fluorescent) light goes out in all directions. Most common fluorescent tracers are compounds which absorb green light and emit red fluorescent light.
Q:What does PPM mean? A: PPM means parts per million. 1 PPM means the color of the product is visible in clear water at one part dye tracing product to a million parts water. 1 PPM in 10,000 gallons of water requires approximately 1 pint of dye tracing liquid concentrate. This is generally referred to as a strong visual concentration level. Q:Which is best, tablets, powder or liquid ? A: For small amounts of water, LUYOR Dyes tablets are clean and easy to use - no measuring is required. LUYOR Dyes may be dropped or flushed directly into a drain, sewer, septic system, etc. where they will dissolve in about 3-5 minutes. Or, they may be dissolved in a small amount of water first. For larger bodies of water, LUYOR Dyes powder or LUYOR Dyes liquid concentrate may be most suitable for your needs. Q:Which LUYOR Dye should I use? A: It depends on the usage and the volume of water. FOR UNMETERED USE: 0-20,000 gallons of water use LUYOR Dyes tablets, or LUYOR Dyes liquid concentrate. 20,000-50,000 gallons of water use LUYOR Dyes tablets, or liquid concentrate. 50,000 + gallons of water use LUYOR Dyes powder or liquid concentrate. Where metering input is required, use LUYOR Dyes liquid concentrate for any volume of water. Where a water-based solution needs to be labeled for detection with a black light or fluoremetric equipment, use LUYOR Dyes Fluoretrack II liquid concentrate. Q:Are LUYOR Dyes safe for the environment? A: They are biodegradable and safe for the environment. Fluorescent dyes are relatively unreactive chemically, and in most cases do not interact with the "system". Q:Which LUYOR Dyes water tracing product should I order? A. It depends on the usage and the amount of water involved, what you plan to use the product for, and how much water is involved. SMALL VOLUMES OF WATER- (0-20,000 gallons) Use LUYOR Dyes tablets A. Septic system analysis B. Leak detection C. Plumbing and sewer tracing D. Storm and sewer drains MODERATRE VOLUMES OF WATER-(20,000-50,000 gallons) Use LUYOR Dyes tablets, liquid concentrate or wax cones. A. Examine water movement, current, flows B. Flow mapping and tracing C. Flow time studies D. Storm and sewer drains LARGE VOLUMES OF WATER-50,000 + gallons- Use LUYOR Dyes liquid concentrate. A. Leak detection B. Flow studies C. Pollution studies D. Condenser tubes and coils E. Power plant piping F. Lakes, rivers, ponds FOR PROJECTS WHERE METERING OF INPUT INTO SYSTEMS IS REQUIRED- Use LUYOR Dyes liquid concentrate. A. Flow studies B. Dilution C. Leak detection D. Pollution detection, septic tanks, sewer lines
Q:How much water will LUYOR Dyes color? A. There are a lot of different factors, which may effect how much LUYOR Dyes product you will need. Below are some rough guidelines. Tablets- As a general rule, 1 tablet will provide a strong visual in 60 gallons of water. Example: in a 1,200 gallon septic system would require between 15-20 tablets for a strong visual inspection. Liquid concentrate-As a general rule, 1-pint will provide a strong visual in 10,000 gallons of water. For example, a collection line having 10,000 gallons of flow, would require 1 pint of liquid concentrate for a strong visual inspection. Powder- as a general rule, 1-pound of LUYOR Dyes powder will provide a strong visual in 120,000 gallons of water. For example, a cooling tower holding 240,000 gallons of water would require 2 pounds of LUYOR Dyes powder for a strong visual.
Q:What should be done if someone ingests a tablet, and are they toxic or hazardous? A: LUYOR Dyes are safe and non-toxic and will not adversely affect ones health. In case of injection, drink several large glasses of water. The person's perspiration and urine will be tinted the color of the dye for a short period of time.
Q:How can I remove the dye? A. The color of all dyes will disappear if the solution is mixed with chlorine. Add approximately 4 grams of 12% bleach for every gram of product in the solution. Adding water will also dilute dye concentration and reduce coloration, or even eliminate color all together depending on volume of water added